Case Studies – Coalition Building

Client: Energy-From-Waste Industry

Challenge: Despite a proven track record, the energy-from-waste (EFW) industry was facing a skeptical media, small but active opposition interest groups and inadequately informed government decision-makers.

Assignment: PresterJohn created a national public affairs strategy to engage the public, educate the media and build political support that would translate into regulatory approval. PresterJohn managed the organizational infrastructure in the form of an industry coalition to drive key messages, promote policy options and counter negative media.

Results: The Canadian EFW industry experienced nearly 200 per cent growth in less than a decade, with multiple projects approved or in development from coast to coast.

Client: Mayoralty Campaign

Challenge: An unknown candidate and serial campaigner required policy, fundraising, team-building and strategic support in an extended municipal campaign.

Assignment: PresterJohn principals assumed leadership role in policy development, fundraising and team- building; designed political and policy strategies on critical political issues;

Results: Against all prognostications, the unknown candidate won election to the mayoralty.

Client: Tax Consultant Representing Major Shopping Malls and Retail Outlets

Challenge: Changes to Ontario’s property tax and assessment system threatened shopping mall tenants and retail outlets with exorbitant property tax increases.

Assignment: PresterJohn principals joined a small team of consultants to secure a better deal for pressured shop owners and retailers. Worked with tax consultants to determine impact of legislation on client properties; developed province-wide, community-based advocacy campaign; prepared briefing and advocacy materials in support of the campaign; advised client senior management on lobbying strategies related to legislative and regulatory alternatives

Results: Recognizing the merits of the campaign, the government introduced amendments to the proposed legislation generating substantial savings for client group.

Client: Leading Manufacturing/Environmental Industry Association

Challenge: Pressured by evolving environmental policies, this industry association required an assertive public affairs program compatible with existing initiatives.

Assignment: PresterJohn was engaged to coordinate association activities with other industry organizations; organize events, workshops, and tours to educate industry, media and government on the merits of certain policy positions related to waste management, manufacturing and energy generation.

Results: This prominent association continues to promote a progressive environmental agenda through the proactive engagement of critical stakeholders.

Client: Leading Energy/Environmental Industry Association

Challenge: This prominent industry association required a public affairs strategy and new member recruitment initiative to expand its profile and build its funding base.

Assignment: PresterJohn prepared an extensive public affairs plan to guide outreach exercises. Working closely with the executive, PresterJohn supported a membership renewal drive. Leveraging public pool of funds for education regarding energy conservation, PresterJohn spearheaded an Ontario-wide initiative to major power consumers on the merits of industrial energy conservation programs.

Results: The client’s outreach initiatives were achieved at minimal cost, offset by program funding, resulting in a highly eduicated and well-informed constituency of industrial power consumers.